Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Baby Emmett is here!!

Emmett has finally arrived! Here is a run down of the labor and delivery, no gross details, promise! :)

On Saturday, hubs, Mimi and I decided to go out of town for one last trip before Emmett arrived. As soon as we arrived at our destination we headed straight to the food. I inhaled a giant sandwich, fries, doughnuts, sweets drinks and anything else in sight. I decided since this was my last time out that I would be bad and enjoy as much food as possible. After the pig fest, we headed over to do some shopping. Unfortunately, this was cut short because I was having random contractions, which I guessed was false labor and we ended up going home. All evening I was fine, so we cleaned the house a bit and sat around.

Move forward to 5am when I wake up with cramps. My first thought was that I had food poisoning. The amount of junk I ate would make anyone ill. But nope! As soon as I stood up out of bed I knew I was in labor and the contractions slowly started. By 8am, I decided they were a bit strong so it was time to head to the hospital to be safe. I guessed I was 5 cm maybe.

And then a train happened. And we sat and waited for the train to pass, but I was still fine.

Destination reached. We were at the hospital but we didn't go to the ER (apparently we should have) and instead tried to find the OB/GYN. We couldn't find it. At least 15 mins later, and a mountain of stress, we FINALLY found it.  The nurses were in shock that I didn't pre-register (? I didn't know about this) and they were hesitating on trying to find a room for me. I started to panic because it hadn't crossed my mind that in the world's smallest town I wouldn't be able to get a room (it was empty by the way).

Move forward again and Ms. Awesome Nurse appears. She tells them to put me into room such-and-such and then wants to get my weight. Pause because I am having a contraction and cannot move. Then I'm weighed and moved to the room. The nurse, not Ms. Awesome Nurse, but another one, checks me and I am 8 cm. The nurses start to panic and hook me up as quickly as possible to their machines. They call my doc, but she is out so they call the backup. At this point, still panicked over the room situation, I'm getting more stressed over the news but I didn't for ONE SECOND believe I was 8 cm. No way. No possible. Not enough pain. I've read about this and it would be unbearable at this point. So I knew they messed up and the max I could be was 6 cm (I've had a long history of nurses making mistakes). Of course, I didn't tell them this because I didn't want angry nurses. Then I tell them that I want an epidural because in my mind I knew that even though the contractions weren't THAT bad they would get MUCH, MUCH worse and I had a long way to go. And hubs wasn't around at the time because he was filling out forms for me or else he would have told me that the epidural was a waste of time. And I was stressed. Did I say that already?

Unfortunately, the anesthesiologist is about to walk into surgery and the backup won't answer. I panic big time now. What felt like 10,000 years later the anesthesiologist calls and says he's paused the surgery and will come up for my epidural. So he appears and is super nice, but talks forever about the medicine. I would say we sat with him for about 40 mins total, at least. After finally getting the epidural, my legs start to go numb and as soon as the first contraction is gone and the second is gone.... the shot worked.... the nurse says, "She's ready to deliver."

What??!! I even told them they were wrong at this point, I couldn't possibly be that far along and ready to deliver. I was not ever in enough pain to be that close to delivering a baby. But the doc shows up, the first time I've even seen him, and baby Emmett arrives.

So basically, the epidural saved me minutes of pain and resulted in weeks of back pain. Not to mention Mr. So-and-So had to have his surgery paused.

Dear Mr. So-and-So,
I'm sorry if my epidural non-emergency resulted in your death.

Lesson learned? Yep! In the future, I will have an all natural child birth because I can, without a doubt, do it and it's not as bad as everyone said it would be. At all. Although it does differ from person to person. And even though it wasn't completely natural, I still waited until I was probably 9 cm to get the epidural (just guessing) and I feel very proud. Normally, I would be full of regret for my decision, but I'm not. I really feel like I accomplished something and I feel proud for knowing that I CAN do this and in the future I plan to. You live and learn, that's just life.

Overall, great experience, the nurse I had was AMAZING, which I figured out after the delivery. She made the entire hospital stay more pleasant. I was back on my feet almost immediately and didn't need any medicine. I left the hospital early and we're all healthy, happy and at home.

I think I forgot to add the weight and such!! 7 lbs, 4 oz, 23 inches long. :)
And back pain update. Turns out I did not have weeks of back pain, only a few days of mild pain. Yay!


Torviewtoronto said...

congrats :) happy for you

Cate said...


Alea Milham said...

Congratulations! Welcome baby Emmett!

Brownieville Girl said...

Glad you had a positive experience - and a huge welcome to baby Emmett.

janice15 said...

Im so excited for you...I can't believe he finally got here..So Emmett is the name and a wonderful name at that. Quite a story Id say it made me laugh and almost cry...lovely..and yes I had four natural birth out of five my first was that waste down completely numb..my second girl flew out and the last three nearly killed me with pain..so it varys from person to person baby to baby...the last two were the worst but came in within five hrs parly labor pain till the last hour and I almost broke the nurses hand with my last. I'm so happy for you...enjoy your wonderful baby...with much love Janice

kitchen flavours said...

Congratulations! Welcome Baby Emmett!

April @ The 21st Century Housewife said...

Congratulations!! So happy for you!!

France@beyondthepeel said...

Congrats darling! I'm so happy for you.

Kim of Mo Betta said...

wow, that is an amazing delivery. The whole not much pain part anyway :) Congrats on your new addition!

Richa said...

Congratulations! that was one journey! Take care and wish you all the very best.
richa @ Hobby And More Food Blog

Melynda@Scratch Made Food! said...

Congrats on new baby Emmett! Happiness to you all.

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